Sunday, June 27, 2010

Weekend Cocktail

I wrote up an entry in Word and tried to post it from there. It left out the pictures and I couldn't figure it out, so deleted it.

The only way I can put pictures in is to put them at the top of the post. I'm going to work with it more another day. Tired today.

So the first two pictures are our cats: Mr. Socks and Lizzie. Mr. Socks (orange) was M's 9th birthday present. Shortly after her birthday he decided he hates her. He is super friendly toward everyone else, even strangers. But he will attack M if he finds her wandering the house on her own, especially at night. Weird. Lizzie (short for Miss Elizabeth Bennet) is a year younger than Socks. I picked her up as a replacement for Mr. C when he went to kindergarten. I wanted another "baby" and she is it. She is a little princess and she knows it.

These little stinkers have been keeping me awake nights lately. I've been sleeping on the couch to keep an ear on Mr. C. The cats are very active at night and don't mind running over me as I try to sleep.

The last picture is the kids' bathroom. The tub is in but we decided to do the floor as well. We've had the tile since we moved in. We figured as long as we were doing the tub it was time to do the floor as well. We've never done ceramic tile, so I'm a little anxious how it'll turn out. However, Hubby knows how to do everything, so it will be done right. It's nice to be married to someone who can do so much. I have to remember that when he's driving me crazy.

Lastly,soccer. Can you believe the screwed up call during the England-Germany game? I can't believe they can't go back and change the goal. I think that England would have played better if they hadn't had that call against them. They might have still lost, but it would been more even. We watched the USA game Saturday. What a heart-breaker. I was surprised they got as far as they did, and then I wanted them to keep winning.

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