Saturday, June 5, 2010

Weekend Cocktail

We had a good time last night at First Friday. First Friday is something our town does the first Friday of every month. Usually it involves a car show, food, live entertainment, and all the downtown shops staying open late (6-9pm). The main street through downtown is blocked off and you can just walk up and down-- looking, buying, eating, running into friends.

Today we are just doing the regular--laundry, cleaning, lazing around. Lately Hubby has been obsessed with the BP oil spill. It is too depressing for me to think about for too long. I'm sure he's in the other room right now watching this. It is such an overwhelming problem and it's one of those things that just seems like there is never going to be a solution. That's a pretty negative outlook, but I don't see any other way of looking at it.

Just one more teensy gripe and then I'm done. The oil might reach North Carolina by early July. Guess where we're going for the Fourth. Oh, well at least we'll have a pool.
I watched USA beat Australia in soccer this morning. We're getting ready for World Cup to start next week. M has her official World Cup South Africa 2010 T-shirt and has printed some brackets that are hanging on the fridge. We have the full schedule in the Official Licensed Sticker Album which we got here. M's going for Germany. Mr. C and I are for Brazil. I also always like Argentina. We've all agreed to cheer for Ghana. S and Hubby aren't that interested.

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