Monday, June 7, 2010

Neverending Worries

When the kids were first born, I worried they wouldn't wake up in the morning. I would tip-toe into their rooms at night just to make sure they were breathing. After they made it to the magical one year, I let up on the late night checks, unless they were sick. For the next few years I worried about falls--down stairs, out of trees, off bikes and skateboards. Then there is a relative calm period when they find their coordination and seem to develop a sense of awareness that they can't fly from the roof of the back porch.

The calm period lasts about five minutes and then comes the DRIVER'S LEARNER PERMIT! Who in their right mind thought it would be a good idea to give 15 year olds the right to drive? I was a wreck when S got her permit almost two years ago, but I, and more importantly she, survived. Now it is time for M to get her permit. Actually it was time last Monday. Naturally I was very apprehensive about this. After all, M is my fearless wild child. Can you believe that she did not wake up at 8am on the appointed day and demand to be taken to the DMV? Here we are a week later and she is still reluctant to go. Do you think Hubby and I are elated by this lack of interest in driving? His remark was, "If she thinks she is getting out of her fair share of the driving on vacation, she better think again." We'll see.

On the topic of driving. S started a weeklong ACT prep class in the Big City. She has to leave by 7am to get there by 8:30 and she gets home by 2:00. This is in preparation for the ACT on Saturday. Today was her first day. I kept the TV turned on the news just to keep an ear out for the traffic report. Of course there was a wreck on her way there. She keeps her phone on silent when driving so I couldn't call and ask her about it. Instead I called Hubby at work--as if he could do anything about it. Well, she wasn't IN the wreck but she did get stopped for awhile because of it. She handled it very well and it makes me a little less apprehensive for her to go back tomorrow. Of course, I'll have the news on the whole time.

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