Thursday, June 24, 2010

Je suis une artiste

Well, maybe I'm not a real artist, but I can pretend. Here is my first attempt at mobile making. Actually I followed the directions, so there wasn't a lot of creative thought put into it. But now I have the basics down I can try to make some on my own.

I had tried this before but couldn't find the right kind of wire, so had put it aside and forgot about it. Last night we were at Lowe's looking at plywood--Mr. C has designed some kind of scooter that would operate like a railroad pumpcar, don't ask--and I turned around and saw the most perfect wire. It's intended use is to hang dropped ceilings. I would never have thought to look in that section for wire.

I finally bought Mr. C a tripod so he has begun work on his claymation. The girls should be working on summer reading, but are watching Invictus instead. It is way too hot to do anything outside. Even though it is beautiful out the window, I feel like we are starting to get cabin fever.


MAWG said...

Would you believe that one of your grampas was a mobile maker? I think it skipped a generation.

m.e. said...

That's interesting! I didn't know that, but I knew he did a little stained glass.