Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Window Shopping

Just to kill time I went window shopping at Hobby Lobby today. Hobby Lobby, to me, is the Walmart of Home Decor/Crafting. I expect things to be on the cheap side, or at least affordable. I found the above lamps, which look like simple straight-forward lamps. Before I continue on and reveal the price of the lamps let me enlighten you of how I price things in my head. Small things like lamps, toasters, jeans, etc. should cost about $20. Big things like tables, chairs, TVs, etc. should cost about $100. You can now see that I was born in the wrong century.

I looked inside the lamp shade and found a price tag marked $99. There was a second tag hanging from the doo-dad that switched the light on and off. It was also marked $99. I'm smart enough to know that that means the shade and base are being sold separately for $99 EACH! That is $200 for one lamp! They are on sale for 50% off, so I guess they are really only $99 per lamp. But still. It's a fricking lamp. From Hobby Lobby.

I'm funny about buying furniture and decor stuff. It's true that I have an over-abundance of generic off-the-shelf stuff, but I prefer to get things with a story or history. I would much rather like to say, "See this wonderful loveseat that belonged to my grandparents," than, "Look at this amazing chipwood dresser that I bought in a box at Walmart and glued together myself."


Unknown said...

It looks like they have different balls on top. One is dark and the other light.

Lady Jane said...

Hey, I've got lots of stuff here that you can have. I can make up a story in case it doesn't already have one. Or you could just say that it came from your favorite aunt's house.

m.e. said...

You have really nice stuff. I'd be happy to take any of it off your hands!

Lady Jane said...

Spring break is coming up. Should I rent a U-Haul?