Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Strange Cats

We're good cats! We would never make a mess in your box! Promise!
Marvelous uses a big Rubbermaid box for her clothes basket. (I don't know why. I didn't purchase it for this purpose. She just adopted it.) Anyway last week when she washed her clothes she left the box sitting on the floor in the laundry room. The laundry room is also referred to as the Cat Room at our house, because that's where the litter boxes are. One or both of the cats decided M's box was a new litter box and peed in it. Isn't that strange that a cat would want to pee in an empty box? M washed it out and that was that.

Tonight M is doing her clothes and had set the box in the laundry room. When she went to switch the clothes she saw pee in the box again. She wasn't thrilled about having to go out in the dark to clean it up with the hose.

Now the box is sitting upside-down, on top of the washer.

In case you're wondering if the cats pee in the box when it is in her room, the answer is No. She keeps the lid on it in her room though.

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