Friday, March 4, 2011

I Love to Work

Noccalula Falls--all dried up. This has nothing to do with this post
I worked until 4:30 today and could have stayed much later. I have so much to do for next week, as it is the last week before Spring Break and then testing starts as soon as we get back. But evewith all the busy-ness (business?) of work I really love it. I definitely wouldn't trade it for those boring days of last fall when everyone else went off to do their thing and I was left home alone.

I have great kids--at home and school. Elementary kids are so wonderful. After school today I felt little arms going around my waist. I looked down and there was one of my boys, giving me a hug and wishing me a good weekend. What sweethearts they are! For the most part they are all eager to please and try their hardest. Very little complaining.

The parents are so involved that it is easy to get to the bottom of things. I am averaging about one conference a week. Not because of any major problems, but because of minor things. They are excellent at helping to nip things in the bud and also to address any learning problems. They make sure that homework gets done and go through graded papers with a fine tooth comb. They are also very forgiving when I mistakenly mark a correct answer wrong--Yeah!

The other teachers and staff at the school have been so helpful. They don't make me feel like I'm just a sub. I actually feel like I belong here more than I did at my other school last year, where I was actually teaching full-time.

So I guess this post is just to say that for the time being, I'm enjoying life. It's all good

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