Friday, October 22, 2010

National Elementary Honor Society

Mr. C was inducted into the National Elementary Honor Society today. It was a nice, formal ceremony. There were 35 kids who joined. To be invited you had to have a 90+ average for 4th grade and the first grading period of 5th grade. Enjoy the pictures.
Waiting to get started
Lighting his candle
All the lit candles. Three 5th grade teacher to the left of the table, principal at the table, guidance counselor at the podium
2010-2011 National Elementary Honor Society
Mom is so proud of you!


Unknown said...

How wonderful! I had no idea that there was a NHS for the elementary level. Tell Mr. C. we also recognize his job well done. Not just anybody can be invited.

Lady Jane said...

It's nice to see boys without droopy drawers. (Be sure to congratulate Mr. C. for me!)