Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Bugs, Natural and Virtual

Mr. C took some pictures of a Mama Spider and her Babies in our driveway last night. He wanted to print one out and take it to his science teacher today. I tried to connect the camera to the big computer and then Hubby tried to get it to work. After much fiddling and cursing, Hubby came to the realization that something is wrong with the USB card in the computer (???don't ask me). He was confused because the mouse and keyboard still worked and they apparently are plugged in through the same thing. This morning I went to try the picture print again, and couldn't get the computer to wake up by wiggling the mouse or hitting the keyboard. So I guess that USB thing is completely dead. I hope it is a cheap fix. We really can't afford a new computer right now.

I hope you enjoy the spider picture! The shiny spots on her back are more babies, hitching a ride. Isn't it cool how the flash reflects in the spiders' eyes?

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