Saturday, April 30, 2011

Storm Pictures

These aren't very good. We just drove through without stopping. They were starting to work and we didn't want to be in the way. We are cutting up our tree today, which is a comparatively small job compared to what you see in these pictures.
Clearing after the storm, from our backyard

The following are Ohatchee. There used to be houses here.
Ohatchee, what remains of houses along Hwy 77
Ohatchee, clean up including burning debris
Ohatchee, along Hwy 77
Horse barn--horses were in the field, I can't remember how many were killed in the storm
Church set up with recovery items--food, clothes

These are near Glencoe
There used to be a church here
There are fields of trucks ready to head out. This was taken early in the morning, as they were arriving to begin work for the day.

1 comment:

m.e. said...

I have heard, unofficially, that there were 28 horses that had to be put down from the barn in the above picture. It's not just people affected by this.