Thursday, April 7, 2011

Another Birthday

Our romantic walk
So light and fluffy, like clouds flanking our front step
I couldn't find any pictures of me on any previous birthdays to go along with this. So I took some pictures of the flowers. The red azaleas on the side of the house aren't out as much as the white ones.

Another birthday has come and gone. It was somewhat quiet. Hubby was, of course, out of town. S had to work and M had a game. Mr. C and I had sloppy joes and then went out for milkshakes. No cake or ice cream. It didn't seem worth it for just two of us. It sounds depressing to see it in writing, but I really had an okay day.

The best gift I received wasn't even for me. It was a $1500 scholarship for S. Every little bit helps!

When I was little I thought everybody had a birthday in April. Quite a few of my friends did have birthdays in April, or at least in the spring. And all the baby animals are born in the spring. This is my favorite time of year. I love all the green coming on,  the flowers blooming, and the days getting longer.

1 comment:

Lady Jane said...

Very pretty pictures. It is getting prettier in Indiana. On my drive to Madison today, I noticed many redbuds blooming. We had a severe thunderstorm during my meeting, but I do believe all of the lightning made the trees bud out more.