Friday, July 30, 2010

Sights Around Town

The town we live in is shaped like a circle. The river forms a huge letter C around the north, west, and south sides of us. On the other side of the river are big hills. We have some gentle hills inside town, but the bigger ones are across the water.

So we live in a secluded hilly valley. I'm sure that this is one area of the country that most people associate with redneck hill-billies. And they would be right for the most part. There are lots of 4-wheelers and bass boats around. Everywhere you look there is U of A paraphenilia with the occasional Auburn bumper sticker thrown in. College football is IT around here.

But looking beyond the obvious embellishments of the Deep South, there is a lot of beauty around here. And it's sort of comforting to know that the landscape is cradling you in a natural protective way.

Sorry the pictures aren't that great. Hazy today.

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