Monday, July 26, 2010

Another Project

Despite the heat we have taken on another project. Since the bathroom floor turned out so great we are doing the kitchen. Here's the before.

The floor looks fine the way it is so why bother? Well, when we moved in we bought enough tile to do the bathrooms and kitchen (including the hallway down to the laundry room). When we added on the breakfast nook we put down self-stick linoleum tiles as a temporary fix, while we got up the nerve to work with ceramic tile. And this is where the tile has been since then.
So over the weekend we started by putting some backerboard down. Then Hubby went off to work and told me not to touch anything until he was home and could work on it. Since he's planning on going out after work tonight to celebrate someone leaving to go work at VW, the floor would have to wait until Tuesday night. That would be totally inconvenient for me--the fridge is out in the middle of the kitchen floor. So I've started laying the tiles!
Here is the dry fit. Starting in the middle of the floor, with everything squared up.

Time to break for lunch.

I'll probably be able to finish all the full pieces today and then Hubby can do the cut tiles tomorrow.

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