Friday, July 16, 2010

Things Stuck in the Tree

I was thinking of writing about M's driving yesterday. She got the gas and brake mixed up and we almost collided with a little red car at an intersection. But then something even more interesting (?) happened.

Mr. C has a habit of throwing his boomerang into places where it becomes stuck for weeks at a time. He happened to remove it from the roof, where it has sat welcoming everyone to our house since the end of May,by throwing a PVC pipe at it. About 15 minutes later it was stuck up in the oak tree.

He tried the pipe again but it didn't work on the tree. As a matter of fact, the pipe also got lodged in the branches. So Daddy to the rescue. Kind of.

Hubby decided to use an 8 foot baseboard (to finish the bathroom, not bought just for this emergency) to knock the boomerang down. The pipe came down right away. On the next throw the board stuck in the tree. hehehe!

The picture above shows his first attempt to remove the board, by swinging the hose at it. I labeled the picture so you can see how high up the board is. The hose didn't work.

Next he decided to chuck a ceramic tile at it. After a few tries the board came out of the tree. With such success he decided to try for the boomerang. Several attempts later the tile began falling apart as it hit the ground and the boomerang hadn't budged. He still kept it up until the tile started falling apart in the tree!

Then he got out the 20 foot ladder and climbed up the tree. By now the sun is setting, just so you get an accurate picture. (I was holding the end of the ladder so I couldn't take a picture plus Hubby wasn't interested in me documenting the ordeal.) He climbed out on a limb and tried to jump to wiggle the tile pieces into falling--we don't care about the boomerang at this point in time. No such luck.

Finally admitting defeat, he put the ladder up and went out on a beer run. So now we have a death trap out front, with ceramic tile ready to fall on unsuspecting visitors. Hopefully it waits until October when the girls' friends(?) come to roll the trees. Just kidding--I wish those little vandals all the best of health and happiness (sarcasm here).

As for the boomerang, it will probably stay up there forever. After all there is a soccer ball that has been up there since a week after we moved into this house.

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