Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ah, Books!

My favorite thing to do is read. I have some books I read over and over, but I especially like finding books I've never read before. They are like treasures. Sure, I've found several books that looked like they were going to be interesting, that eventually turned into duds. Some are like Skittles candies: cheap and not any "nutritional" value, but still irresistable. Those are my secret treasures that I probably won't share just because I don't want to be judged for reading such non-literature.

Buxton Village Books--too cute!

Right now I'm reading Peyton's Place and Return to Peyton's Place (both in one edition). I had never heard of this book. I thought it was a TV show of the 50s (it was) and therefore put in the same class as Leave it to Beaver, Andy Griffith, and those other black and white shows they still show late at night. Boy was I wrong! There is sex, drinking, scandal, and a whole host of skeletons in every closet in town. What I find that I relate to with the book, is the need to put a pretty face on everything. Just ask Hubby how I am. One night we were having a heated disagreement and I said maybe I would blog about it. He just laughed and said, "No, you like everyone to think your life is perfect. You wouldn't write anything to show it otherwise." And he's right.

In Peyton's Place the characters are the same way. And I can relate to that. I want them to keep their secrets. I don't want Allison to find out her parents were never married. I don't want anyone to know about Selena's trouble caused by her stepdad. I like the tidy little town, all clean and safe-looking. But at the same time I want the characters to have their problems. I don't think we should live in a Stepford world, I just don't think people need to go around airing their dirty laundry in public.

Peyton's Place reminds me a little of Empire Falls. Another one of my favorites. I like the small New England setting and characters. Maybe because they are so different from what I'm used to.

Update on latest project: I laid 65 square feet of tile today (I am sore!) and the AC is back up and running.

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