Monday, February 28, 2011

Technology Sucks

I truly believe that electronic devices have their own intelligence. I guess I was programmed early by listening to my mom as she would pat the dashboard in the car and offer it words of encouragement along the lines of "Please just start one more time. I know you can do. That's a good car!"

I have been known to offer my computer words of encouragement or threats or frustrated curses. And I know that it is listening. So mainly I try to be nice.

Evil blinker
Today when I was driving Hubby's car (which is temporarily mine for reasons best explained in another post or not at all) with M, we were bashing everything about the car. "Why does it smell so bad? What is wrong with the intermittant wipers, they don't work like they should. This is not as comfortable as the swagger wagon!" I tapped the turn signal to switch lanes in the middle of all our complaining, and the blinker would not stop flashing. WTH? I was driving down the road like a deaf old lady with the blinker going on and on. I tried tapping it in the opposite direction and the other blinker came on. Now I'm driving down the road signalling that I'm trying to turn onto the country club golf course. I tried several times to get the turn signal to simply turn off, but all I accomplished was to confuse all the other drivers around me. By this time they are giving me a wide berth. Wouldn't you? Marvelous finally figured out the problem. "It heard us being mean to it." Oh crap, she was right. We both started talking about what a great car it was. "Aren't we lucky to be driving such a shiny new car? blah, blah, blah" I tried the switch again and it worked!!!

I did it myself!
We were on our way to Lowe's to get a garage door opener for the wonderfully perfect aforementioned car. Great, another electronic device. When I got home it took several phone calls and an emailed picture to Hubby for me to figure out how to program the opener. I thought I would take a picture of me working, since I'm sure you get tired of seeing only the kiddies on here. Rather than have M take a picture I decided to use the timer. That would have been a good idea if I knew where it was on the camera. Finally M found it and got a picture of herself as she handed the camera back to me with the timer running.
Is this a scary book or what ?

So now I'm done with technology for the day. After I get this posted.

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