Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Girls

Mr. C is not the only singer we have in the family. Since the beginning of the year, Marvelous has been singing with two other girls from church and our youth leaders. They lead the worship about every other week.  Usually I can't hear the girls. I think their mikes must be turned down, but not today. They sounded really good this morning! No pictures as I don't feel comfortable whipping out the cell phone and snapping away in church.

Speaking of Marvelous. She has been doing research for one of her classes. They have to look into the field they want to work in, find out what education they need and how much they can expect to earn, after taxes. M was a little disheartened to learn that she will probably start out making between 45-60K a year. I told her she could live at home while she pays off her student loans, and most college grads would be happy to know they had 6 years guarenteed income directly after graduation. Still, she's got a long road ahead. If she follows through with her current plans she has two more years of high school, four years of college, four years of medical school, three years (paid) residency, and three years (paid) fellowship. She will be 32 by the time she can start practicing juvenile hematology oncology.

On the other end of the spectrum is Smarty. What does she want to be when she grows up? Three months to graduation and her plans are still up in the air. Good news: She was contacted by Auburn's School of Architecture this week. They have invited her to apply to the program for immediate acceptance this fall. Only a very few freshman get to start their first year, so this is a big deal. If she fills out the application. And if we come up with boatloads of money. If you have one of those trees that grows it, send us a sapling. We're going to need tons of it in the next few years!

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