Thursday, February 24, 2011


I can tell when my thoughts are scattered. It shows up in my reading material. Most of the time I start one book and finish it before moving on. When my life is hectic and my mind is going in a million directions at the same time, I tend to read more than one book simultaneously. Right now I'm re-reading Sometimes a Great Notion, Ivanhoe, and The Winter of Our Discontent. I'm reading (for the first time) 44 Scotland Street. On top of that I read my daily devotional and Bible verses. I've got to get focused, but... that's life I guess.

So where is my mind? On Smarty's college decision and subsequent financial obligations. On the fact that Marvelous is always at soccer and I'm too busy to go to many of her games (like tonight when I have a gazillion papers to grade). On Mr. Creativity who has been having a hard time getting himself organized and keeps misplacing assignments or flat out losing them (he has been moved to tears this afternoon because he can't find all his science hand-outs and tomorrow is a notebook check). On my precious 4th graders who just don't get fractions or drawing conclusions and I'm feeling so hopeless with only a little over two weeks of instruction time left before testing. On the fact that our house has been for sale for almost two weeks and no one has looked at it. On the price of gas, which jumped over 20 cents since yesterday, and what a crock of shit that is. On the fact that I spend up to twelve hours a day working and only make sixty bucks a day (you do the math).  On the quite literal pain I developed in my neck and down my left shoulder blade, which makes it hard for me to look to the right. On and on and on...


Lady Jane said...

Sounds like you need a vacation. Where do you want to go?

m.e. said...

How about here?
I'm so jealous that the flowers are blooming in Paris and not here!