Friday, February 18, 2011

President Parade

Today was the fifth grade's President Parade. This is a big deal (isn't everything at Mr. C's school?) and the kids go all out on their costumes and presentations. The first ladies are recognized as well, as you can see from the photo. They started by singing about the presidents, listing every one in order.

Mr. C was Dwight D. Eisenhower. He wore Grandpa's jacket from WWII and told about being a high ranking general in the war and then starting the interstate system after he became president. All the kids did a great job. There were some nerves, but overall I think they were very poised.

Besides dressing up, they all had to complete a notebook with various information pages about all the presidents, make a powerpoint or prezi or glog about their chosen president/first lady, and complete an excel sheet outlining all the presidents(including dates of birth/death, first lady, years served, political party, and children). Next week they will write an essay about their president. It has taken over a month to accomplish all this, but I think it's a great unit.

This is the kind of learning that doesn't show up on a standardized test and I'm so glad that our school is still taking the time to do it. So many schools are abandoning everything other than the core reading and math standards to improve their scores. I hope when we move that we can find a school where learning is valued over test scores. The odds of finding a school like that anywhere in America are very slim, and growing slimmer.


Lady Jane said...

Did the army jacket shrink? I thought it was the full length one that he was going to wear. What was I thinking?

You're right. That unit sounds amazing!! What I'm impressed with is the fact that everyone participated. How did the teachers get all of the parents to show enough interest in the project that the study worked? You must have some great parents in Alabama. It might be nice to have some of those parents in my school district.

m.e. said...

The full length jacket drags on the floor. He tried it on. I wish it fit, because the buttons on it are gorgeous! He rolled the bottom of the sleeves up on the one he wore.

We have amazing parents at our school! This is the only school around here with this level of family involvement--don't think this is typical of the area.

Last year when I taught at another school I recieved one email from a parent all year. This year I get emails daily as well as notes from home. The parents are very meticulous about staying on top of what the kids are doing. That is what makes all the difference. No amount of money or teaching can make as big an impact as having parents who are involved and care about their child's education.