Monday, June 13, 2011

My Current Nemesis

For Christmas Hubby bought me this serger. How romantic, you might say. Actually last fall I had the grand idea that I could sew little girl dresses and sell them at Christmas boutiques around town. That was before I found out how expensive it is to put up a table at one of those holiday boutiques, plus you have to donate a door prize. I could have ended up losing money. Well, even more money than I did in materials.

I just now got around to taking the serger out of the box and trying to figure it out. I got Smarty to help as well. Together we could not figure out how to thread the thing. We followed the "convenient threading guide" on the machine and watched the DVD that came with it. We got out a flashlight and turned it this way and that to see where the thread goes. It is maddening!

Here are some of the dresses I made, sans serger. I couldn't find any patterns that matched exactly what I wanted to make, so I spliced some together. I think they turned out nicely.
So festive, with a velveteen top
Blue taffeta

I made these little rosettes. The jewels in the middle don't show up very well, but they are very elegant.
Burgandy and black tafetta with a black tulle sash. It could use a little embellishment at the front. Maybe a small jewelled brooch.
A view of the inside of a dress. They are all fully lined and all the seams are hidden. I even fully enclosed the zipper. Not only does it make it look better, but it keeps all the rough edges from irritating sensitive skin.
There is a sense of pride I get in making something well. I know that probably sounds corny in today's times. Plus, you can buy a dressy dress for a little girl at Walmart for less than $20. I've got more than that in the material costs for most of these. So this is probably just a waste of time as far as money makers go. But I do enjoy the sewing and thinking about how nice it would be to make little flower girl dresses and special occassion dresses.

1 comment:

Jen said...

I was just given a serger, but I have not had time to look at it yet. It does look difficult to thread. I may end up calling you, please promise not just to talk louder when I do not understand. :) (I read the other blogs about C's robot adventure.) Your projects are gorgeous, by the way.