Monday, June 20, 2011

Marvelous Mission

Marvelous, Smarty, and Mr. Creativity on the SC coast--circa 2006

M left with the youth group to go on a week long mission trip. They have headed off to the mission fields of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Seriously.

They do painting, construction, and clean-up for elderly or others who can't do for themselves. And then they get to have free-time at the beach. Last year they went to Florida. It is sort of like a glorified vacation, with a little work thrown in.

We do have a group from our church that goes down to Mexico twice a year. Last year a couple of the college-aged kids went with them. But considering the amount of violence in that area, I won't sign off on any of my kids going there.

Last week the youth all got together and went to help with the continuing clean up efforts around here. So they have been helping those around home as well. Good kids.

1 comment:

Jen said...

To what part of Mexico does your group travel? Did you know that my sister and her family will be leaving at the end of summer to live around the Chihuahua area for a couple of years? My family just found out we'll be going to Belize for about 3 months and we'll have to cancel our trip to Myrtle Beach. Go figure! :)