Monday, June 6, 2011

Auburn Roadtrip

I took Smarty down to Auburn today to sign a lease and pay for her apartment. We spent some time walking around campus because I had never been there before. I was impressed. It is a nice campus and I'm excited for her to begin this next phase of her life. I think she is going to have a great college experience.

This is where she will be living next year. It used to be a monastery. You have to enter through a courtyard, so it is somewhat secure.
This is the church that the apartment is attached to. It is only two blocks from campus, so she won't have to drive to class.
Toomer's Corner where a crazed Alabama fan poisoned the live oaks last fall. They are doing everything possible to save the trees, but not sure if they will survive.

*Change of subject: I don't ever use real names on here, but I want to put out a prayer request. Please pray for the family of Ben Clough over the next week. Our community has been deeply affected by his passing last night. I can't begin to imagine what his mother is going through. Marvelous has been particulary upset by this and Thursday will probably be a hard day for her.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Beautiful campus. I am looking forward to hearing her stories. I'm glad that you and your family blaze the trail so that I can ask you questions and learn from you. Love, Love!