Saturday, October 8, 2011

Weekend Entertainment

We went downtown to a concert and light show on Friday. I used my phone to take videos of both, but now I can't get them onto the computer. So just use your imagination. The light show was cool. It was displayed on the Hunter Art Museum. My favorite part was when it looked like the whole museum filled up with water and fish started swimming past all the windows.

The Chattanooga Head Race is going on all day Saturday. We went down to see them. There are teams from all the area schools. When I say area I mean the Southeast. We saw Clemson, Georgia, Auburn, Vanderbilt, Tennessee, as well as some high school groups. There are supposed to be 1200 participants. Lots of people! M is going to go to the summer camp next year and try to get on the local club team. At least that is the plan for now. She has wanted to try rowing for a long time, but this is the first time we've lived somewhere that she could try it out.

1 comment:

Lady Jane said...

Sounds as if you're enjoying life more and more in Chattanooga. Great!