Monday, October 24, 2011

Back to School--Again

Three lanes in, three lanes out of the school driveway
Well the kiddos are back to school this morning. The traffic was pretty light, so I'm not sure if everyone else remembered to get up and go today. I thought I would treat you to an artsy photo of their school. "Artsy" is the nice way of saying "crappy". If I had a good camera then I would be able to take awesome photos, even in the dark. As it is, I get blurry light blobs. I also probably shouldn't be taking pictures while driving, but we were stopped at the time.

Back to the topic of school. The school website has a scrolling list of information about upcoming events, and it is pretty long and detailed. It contains things like when there are sports try-outs, which clubs are selling t-shirts or candy, and various college rep visits. However, when they don't get something on the list they do the robocalling thing. These are usually things that parents have to do, like come to a meeting at school at a specific time in a specific room and you better have a pen and paper ready when they call because this is the only warning you will get. With that being said, I think I have a conference on Thursday, but I'm not sure. Oh, well.

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