Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Brilliant Burn

To wrap up the River Rocks Festival there was an artistic burn. The guy standing next to us was from California and said it was like the Burning Man, but it wasn't quite that big. They just burned one sculpture. We had a great view from the bridge overlooking the park, but the picture doesn't do it justice. Watch this video if you want to see the whole thing, including the juggler-people with all their cool fire props. I think you can see us at the beginning of the video: we are up on the bridge directly over those white tents. The disappointing thing about my picture and the video is that you can't see the different colors of the flames. At intervals the fire would glow purple, blue, or green. Very nice.


Lady Jane said...

That was cool. I wasn't sure--was the sculpture just that bowl looking thing.

Looked like an opportunity was passed up--a community weiny roast. (Just kidding.)

m.e. said...

The sculpture was the thing that looked like a bowl with a sphere on top. The bottom was just a platform to keep it from setting the grass on fire.