Monday, September 5, 2011

Weekend, Before & After Lee

We went to the outdoor free concert on Saturday night. They have them along the Riverfront every week during the summer. There are three more left. I'm not sure who this band is, but they were energetic.
The rains started sometime Monday morning after midnight. We had about two inches by morning. We are almost at four inches now. We went out to do the grocery shopping--hey we still have to eat--and saw some roads that are impassable and closed. We saw one car get stuck and a firetruck stopped, firemen got out and pushed them out of the road, then continued on with their sirens going, supposedly to the next emergency. If you are familiar with the Hamilton Place Mall area, the road behind it was flooding up to the tops of cars this morning. Stupid cars for driving into it. Needless to say we are currently under a flood warning and a tornado watch. The kids are happy though because they have a two hour delay for school Tuesday.

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