Thursday, September 15, 2011

Beginning of a Dream

Our dream property
I don't think it is any secret that we aren't thrilled to be living in an apartment. It takes care of a basic need and that's about it. We spent several months looking for a house and now we know we have a year (closer to 11 months!!!) to decide what we are going to do permanently. Since we have the time, we are considering building.

We built a house in South Carolina and I swore I would never do it again, because it entailed living in an apartment during the building phase. Well, we're already in an apartment so that argument is dead.

Driving around we found this property. It is "for sale by owner" and we haven't called about the price. For now we are just dreaming of what it would be like to be able to sit on the back porch and enjoy this view every day.

1 comment:

MAWG said...

If you decide to build... are you familiar with "the not so big" house idea? If not I'm guessing you'd like it.