Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Inventions, Inventions, Everywhere!

Mr. C's junk drawer and dresser top
At church this past weekend, the pastor talked about how we all have these plastic, perfect facades we put on for the world. There was some point about taking them off, but I happen to like my plastic family. They are so much prettier than the real-life versions.

In real life Mr. C was making an F in Language Arts up until last week. He has since pulled it up to a C. This is not the kind of info I usual brag about on the blog. But I thought I would make an effort to portray the reality a bit more realistically. What doesn't make sense to me is how such a bright kid can be doing so poorly in school. Is it him? The school? Me? All of the above?

This is the kind of thing that Mr. C spends hours on.
Mr. C's invention for a magnetic motor. Hubby looked at it and said it is how an electric motor works. But how did this get inside an 11 year old's head? And yes, "magnet" is spelled "magnent". UGGG!
He is constantly inventing things. And not just on paper. He takes things apart all the time to get to the small pieces inside. Maybe he can use them for something he's working on. Does he care that we need all the parts to make the TV remote work? He isn't too concerned about it at the time.

I was lamenting about his Language Arts to Hubby this morning and his response was, "He doesn't really need all that Language Arts. If he gets the basics he'll be fine." OK. Take a deep breath and let go a little.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Whew! I'm not alone! H wrote a poem yesterday for fun (he NEVER does that). It read:

Stupid scool, it has no use,
it's basicly used as child abuse

Nice rhythm, but the spelling is atrocious! I have to look on the bright side--he wrote. C's grade improved by two! Treasures for a mother's heart.