Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Physics of Swimming

I like to take Mr. C to the pool after school, before homework. That way he gets his energy out and is ready to focus, hopefully, on his work.

It isn't unusual for him to stand in one position running his arms across the water or flicking water to create ripples. Today he walked around the deck and placed one toe at a time into the water, before moving on to another place and repeating the toe thing.

"Are you going to get in?" I asked.
"Wow! Did you see that?" The toe thing again. "I just barely touch the water and all those ripples go out across the pool. Do you see it?"

A few days ago he was making waves by pushing the water with his arm.
"Do you know the energy is behind the wave, not in front?" He demonstrated again. "You would think the wave would be pushing everything in front of it, but it is actually pulling it from behind. Can you see it?"

I may not be able to always see it, but I'm glad he does. And I hope he never stops looking.

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