Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Sprucing Up

Our house-hunting saga has led us to leasing our house. There are a few things that I want to change a bit before someone else moves in. One of them is the window coverings, or lack thereof.

Our family is perfectly happy to have bare windows*. After all, we don't walk around the house naked. And more importantly, our neighbors aren't really out at night trying to see into our house. However, other people may be more comfortable with covered windows. So I sewed up a couple of window sheer panels et viola!

If only everything else about moving were this easy, I wouldn't be so stressed out. I would fill you in on the details of our leasing/moving, but everything is up in the air right now. Isn't that a great place for them to be with less than two weeks to the start of a new school year?

*Most of our windows have blinds, especially in the important rooms.

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