Sunday, July 17, 2011

Weekend Entertainment

Random photo of Mr. Creativity, contemplating a pocket knife
The weekend started with Harry Potter, of course. Marvelous went to the midnight premier, but the rest of us went Friday night. If you haven't seen it yet, GO! It was great. They managed to repair the damage done during the horrible 6th (which didn't resemble the book at all) and brought everything off perfectly. Hallows or Horcruxes, Mothers Love or Pure Evil, Good or Bad. Which do you think won in the end?

Saturday was the annual City Fest. It was completely uneventful. We walked over and looked at the booths selling homemade jewelry, funnel cakes, and the like. There were free concerts from 2-10 pm. We didn't have to stay for the music because we could hear it at the house. We waited for the fireworks and they never happened. I guess the town cut back on spending this year.

Today Smarty is off to Six Flags. She only told me about 20 times that she was going. Last night before she went to bed I was going through the weekly "Who's going to which church service in the morning?" when she just rolled her eyes, laughed, and said, "I AM GOING TO SIX FLAGS!" I feel like the mom on The Middle sometimes: What am I doing with this ball of twine?

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