Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Nature at Home

Here are a few of the things I saw outside today. I wish I had a better camera so I could take better pictures of the dew. It is so humid that the dew doesn't evaporate until late in the day, or not at all. I guess that keeps the grass green.
Dew on the grass at lunchtime
We have at least two chipmunks that live around the house. I know they are pests, but they are too cute to try to kill. I have no idea why they come up onto the porch the eat. It drives the cats crazy.
Snack time--for the chipmunk, not the cats!
I really don't like these wasps that have been flying around the back deck. I looked them up on the internet to see how to best get rid of them. Well, I found out that they are beneficial--eating large insects and pollinating flowers--and rarely aggressive towards people. So for now they stay. But they are a little intimidating when they fly by unexpectedly.
Black wasp on the jasmine--measures about 1 1/2 inches

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