Monday, July 18, 2011

Our Newest Vehicle

Due to the great deal we now get on leasing vehicles, we will be going through several in the next few years. This is our third Volkswagen, a Routan. We traded the Jetta for it. All I can say is that we needed something with enough room to get Smarty moved into college, and this fits the bill. But when I have my choice, I drive the CC. We are all going to miss that car when we trade it in.

You may be wondering if all Routans come with a rear garbage bag. No, this is a special feature exclusive to our van. Hubby added it by chucking a rock through the window, less than two weeks into our lease. He used the lawnmower to achieve this distinctive look. Not to worry, our lease includes insurance so the window is getting fixed. Of course this means we now get to pay a bigger deductible the next time Hubby gets enthusiastic while mowing.

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