Monday, July 11, 2011

The American Dream

I caught part of Obama's press conference today and one of the things he brought up was people struggling to achieve "The American Dream." I started wondering what the American Dream is nowadays. Decades ago the American Dream was to own your own home and car, and have 2.5 kids--I guess you shared the .5 with the neighbor.
The house where I grew up
Now everyone seems to think they are entitled to not only the home and car, but more and more stuff. So much stuff that you have to have a bigger house and maybe even an off-site storage shed.

stuff, Stuff, and more STUFF!
I struggle with this. I am so focused right now on selling our house. I am not trying to "get ahead" but rather "get it together". I really hope that my intentions are not selfish when it comes to choosing our new home. But I look at people who have so much less than I do, and I have to wonder why I "need" what I do. Maybe I have a bad attitude and need to just accept that we are not the people we think we are, and we should just buy a cheap house in any old neighborhood.

Right now I would just be happy with an offer on our house. School starts in three weeks and M's junior year is going to be screwed up now. Hopefully her credits will all come together so she can graduate on time. Stressful.
Marvelous in love--ha, ha!
Something we can never have too much of. (Love, not Marvelous) Plus it doesn't need it's own room. I guess that's my American Dream: to have a family that loves each other (even if they won't always admit it). The house and cars are icing.


Carl said...

"House" is a thing..."home" is a place. You are right about "The house and cars are icing". A cheap house in any old neighborhood can be more of a home than any expensive house in a gated community.

Virginia said...

I think you're someone I'd love to have a glass of wine with on your front porch... or my little balcony! Come on!