Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekend Visit

Hubby & his dad
Hubby's parents were in town for the weekend. Even though we didn't do much we had a good time just visiting. I always get stressed out about what we'll eat and what we'll do when people come to visit. This time I just didn't worry about it.

5 Points Area Jim 'N Nicks
We went to the Big City for lunch one day. I know Jim 'N Nick's is a chain, but it is amazingly good! M and I both had a pulled pork sandwich. Hubby and his parents each had a potato with pulled pork filling. Mr. C had the spare ribs. Yummy!!! I have to mention our waiter. He was very charming and probably all of about 12 years old. (Honestly, the older I get the younger everyone else seems.)

This weekend I offered Mr. C $20 if he could shoot the squirrel that gets in my bird feeder with his bow and arrow. To all you animaltarians (animal humanitarians?) there is no way that he could hit a moving target, on purpose. Plus his arrows are blunt, so they wouldn't do any real damage. But that didn't keep him from trying for hours on Sunday.

And even though it was anti-social, and probably extremely rude, I watched the Colts game on Sunday. Sometime during the first quarter, Hubby and his parents decided to watch too. They aren't football fans, so we had to explain some about first downs and other rules. I didn't think the Colts played that great this week. Somehow they pulled off the win though. Go Colts!


Lady Jane said...

I've never heard of Jim 'n' Nicks. Must be a southern thang.

I'm not sure, but I think dead squirrels can steal from bird feeders. Those furry critters are onery!!

m.e. said...

Jim 'N Nicks is a southern "thang". If you click on the name in the post you can look up the locations. Alabama, Georgia, Carolinas, & maybe Tennessee.
There are birds in the bird feeder this morning!