Friday, September 24, 2010

Things Growing in My Backyard

Even though it is officially Fall I have quite a few things still growing out back. It helps that it has been in the 90s since I don't know when. It is supposed to drop into the 80s by next week and I'm looking forward to it!

Here are some pictures I took this morning. Sometimes my camera focuses on the background instead of what I'm trying to take a picture of.
These are calla lily seeds. I'm going to try to plant them. First they need to sprout in wet paper towels, then move to sprouting soil, and finally can be planted, if they make it that far.

This is my white rose that stayed white. I tried to get all the flowers out back to be white because I like the way they look in the twilight--they seem to glow. This is the only rose that wasn't turned a color.
These are my miniature pink roses. They were white when I bought them, but apparently were cross-pollinated. Still pretty, just not white.

This is my jasmine. It stops blooming in July, but keeps growing. I cut it back to about 2-3 feet every November. It does have white flowers that give off the sweetest fragrance.

This is a stubborn rose bush that I cut down, but didn't pull out of the ground. It put off a few dark red blooms this spring (last year it bloomed profusely in white) and then seemed to die off. Shortly after that it began growing like crazy but didn't produce blooms. I looked it up and found out that roses are grafted onto a rose root. When they don't get flowers it's because the grafted on part has died and the root is growing on its own--and won't ever produce flowers. That's why I cut it down. I guess I need to pull it up. Or...maybe I could figure out how to graft another rose onto it? Have to look into it.

This is a rose that I inherited with this house. I also think it is the culprit turning all my other roses colors.

So ends your tour of my back flower garden. The impatiens out front are struggling through the heat and I've already put some pansies out in my window boxes. I'm making sure to give them plenty of water in this heat wave, and so far they are surviving. Now I'm off to clean the house and get mentally prepared for a weekend with the in-laws. ETA: 8 hours.

1 comment:

Lady Jane said...

Quite a segue from the pesty culprit to the in-laws. I'm sure it was quite unintentional.

I know that you seem a bit frustrated with the flowers in your yard. I'd just be happy with pretty ones. Even my dandelions have finally died.