Saturday, September 11, 2010

Life Goes On

I haven't had anything interesting to write about lately. Plus, it's just been one of those gray weeks (emotionally, not the weather).

I went to the community college to see about transferring classes and starting on a program. Unfortunately a bachelor's degree doesn't automatically get you into a community college. There are only two classes that I would need to take as a prerequisite, but I would also have to take the ACT. That for me is a deal-breaker. Not only am I not sure if I could pass it, I really don't want to go take it with a bunch of high school kids. However, the fact that I'm writing about it means I'm still thinking about it. 

If I did go through all the motions this is what the schedule for my future education would be. Fall 2011: Math 101 (I tested out originally but the CC wants it on a transcript or take the class), Spring 2012: Physics, June 2012: apply to the program and maybe get accepted, Fall 2012: begin 2 1/2 year program, December 2014: graduate with an AAS degree.

I don't usually ask for feedback, but what do you think? Comment below, email me at, or my other email, if you know it. I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that I'm officially retired. Sounds better than unemployed.

1 comment:

Lady Jane said...

I think you sound defeated before you even try. Why don't you go to a school like Ivy Tech and see what kind of openings there are? If there are classes you could teach, then maybe you could work on your masters. You could easily get an English masters. The Ivy Techs around here are frequently looking for English teachers.

I know it's tough to do, but try to be positive. Why not take flower arranging and get a job in a shop--or open one up. At least you'd be around good smelling flowers.