Monday, August 23, 2010

Sick Day

After two weeks of school, and working 26 hours a week as well, S has hit a brick wall. She is sleeping as everyone else is off to school and work this morning. So being a good mom, I'm taking a break from my Monday Hike and staying here to lend moral support. Although, with her asleep I'm basically just doing normal house/gardening stuff.

Saturday the girls went to Six Flags with the youth group. Late in the sweltering afternoon, S passed out in line for a roller-coaster. Luckily two of the other kids caught her, so no serious damage. She threw up on herself while she was out, and then was somewhat disoriented when she finally came to. The park security offered to take her to their hut for some water, but she refused.

Sunday Hubby took her to the walk-in doctor who diagnosed a sinus infection and gave her a shot as well as anti-biotic and decongestant meds. Instead of looking better, she looked and sounded worse this morning. So I sent her back to bed. She was irritated; now she'll have to go in 1 1/2 hours early one day to make up a biology test.

I remember in It's a Wonderful Life when Zuzu has a 99 fever and the doctor makes a housecall. I don't know if that's an accurate portrayal of how illness was handled in the 1950's, but if it is we've done a 360. Now we push ourselves through until we simply give out and can't go anymore. I think it's a reflection of our society in general. No one takes time to just relax and let their body catch up.


m.e. said...

OK, we've done a 180, not a 360. I'm sure you knew what I meant!

Lady Jane said...

Isn't it a 180? Lady Jane

Lady Jane said...

Sorry, after I posted, then I saw someone else made the comment. I hope S is doing better. Lady Jane