Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A Trip to the Beach

Apologies to anyone who has already seen these pictures from Hilton Head on Facebook. I really don't like Facebook and usually put stuff here instead of there. For some reason it was just easier to post a whole album to that site instead of writing about our trip here. A moment of laziness I guess.
The majority of our time was spent at the beach. Eric and Caleb were in the water and I watched from a very relaxing beach chair. The first couple of days, Caleb used his skim board, until he had an accident that landed us at the nearest Urgent Care. Three x-rays proved that he hadn't broken anything and could continue with a couple of prescription painkillers. However, after that he stuck to his bodyboard.
Besides the beach, we walked around Pinkney Wildlife Reserve, which is an island between Hilton Head and the mainland. It is a very unique place with tons of wildlife and miles of hiking trails. That is where we came across a baby alligator, but luckily not the mama!
Besides regular golf courses, there are several mini-golf courses. We played a round and I came in last place. If we had counted an extra shot each time Caleb's ball ended up in the water, he would have come in last. We had a lot of laughs.
One of the most fun things we did was to go on a 2-hour nature kayaking trip around the Sound. I have never been kayaking, so that was a new experience for me. Eric and I took a double, since I was worried about flipping a single. Remember my paddle boarding experience a couple of weeks ago? We saw lots of wildlife and learned about the nature in the area. One of the coolest things is that the tidal change in the Hilton Head area is 10 feet. It is the largest along the American eastern seaboard. You can really see the dramatic difference along the beach as well as the tidal creeks throughout the day.
Looking through the pictures I thought this one made Eric look really skinny, until I realized that it was Caleb! I find myself constantly taking a second look nowadays, just to see who I'm talking to.
There was a crescent moon during our visit, so I naturally had to try to replicate the South Carolina flag. Not too good. Here's the real thing:

We walked along this path to the beach everyday and this shot epitomizes everything I love about the Low Country: tidal creeks, the birds, marsh grass blowing in a breeze, and especially the Carolina blue sky. I wish this was my backyard!

1 comment:

Lady Jane said...

Interesting blog. I wouldn't mind the Lowlands, but they can keep the mountains.