Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Dinner is Served

 About a year ago I started getting Ladies Home Journal. I still haven't figured out who signed me up for the subscription. In the meantime, LHJ has gone out of business and the remainder of my subscription is being filled with other magazines. This month I got an issue of Parents. I wasn't too thrilled since I've moved beyond the stages of parenthood that are covered in the magazine. But then I found the food section. There is a section that has a grocery list for a week's worth of meals, along with the recipes. I was a little hesitant, since the main ingredient for the week is quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) and I had never even heard of it.

So far this week we have had Quinoa Salmon Salad, Peachy Pork Chops, and Quinoa Patties. We still have Chicken & Potato Salad and Fresh Tomato Pasta to look forward to. Everything has been delicious! Surprisingly so. The key to making the meals quickly was the weekend prep ahead of time. I cooked the quinoa, cut corn off the cob, prepared fresh green beans, and stored it all in pre-measured containers in the fridge. I could use a year's worth of these meals in a cookbook. Let me know if you see one!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I love quinoa! It makes a good breakfast alternative to oatmeal. Make it with coconut milk. Yum!