Monday, May 2, 2011

Some Nature Stuff

Here are some nature pictures. I titled this Some Nature Stuff because I had a teacher in high school who wouldn't let us use the word "stuff". So there.
This is an interesting bug we found when we cut down our tree this weekend. It looks like it has really big eyes, but they are just dots on its back.
This is something purple I planted in my front garden a couple of years ago. I think it might be some kind of sage. That is just a guess. I love the deep purple color.
My coreopsis are starting to bloom. I do actually know some technical flower names. I love putting purple and yellow together.

It is so beautiful out. I love flowers. I love nice weather. It is hard to believe there was such a bad outbreak of tornadoes last week. Recovery continues and will for months/years. Yesterday we were waiting at the stop light and power trucks started rolling through. Our light changed to green but they just kept coming, probably about 40. There was a pick-up truck blocking the intersection, but even if there hadn't been, no one would have tried to get in their way. We just want everything fixed as soon as possible. There are five hotels out by the interstate where a lot of storm victims are staying. They have picked clean the grocery shelves--at least of things you don't have to cook. Several people around here have friends living with them now. Extended families are living together.  S said Chick-fil-a has brought in workers from other towns because we have the only operational restaurant in the region for them to work. I didn't think she would be working because of that, but she's on the schedule for three days this week.

Speaking of S, she didn't get into the architecture program. No, everything is not handed to you on a silver platter in this life. Hard lesson to learn. Not sure of the back up plan.

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