Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Time to Panic

There are only 4 more shopping days until Christmas and I don't have anything for Hubby or my mom. I'm officially freaking out now. Why did I put this off until the last minute? Well, I didn't. I knew what I wanted for Hubby, but the store is out of it and won't have more until the new year. I bought something for my mom and then she went and bought it for herself. So now I'm heading out to the stores for the umpteenth time to randomly shop amongst all the other frenzied people who have put things off until the last minute. And the traffic...UGG!

Along the same lines. Smarty has to work until 6 on Christmas Eve. Our church service is at 5. So we are trying to decide if we should go without her, or try to find another church with a later service. Why is Chick-Fil-A open until 6 on Christmas Eve? Aren't they all about closing so people can go to church? Just one more thing.

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