Friday, December 24, 2010

Passing the Torch

I know today is the day I should be posting something about Christmas, but I'm going to be unique and write about family instead. Last night Hubby came home after his week away at work. During the week we had received two big boxes, which contained car parts, not Christmas presents. Mr. C had been waiting for Hubby to get home to see what was in the boxes.

The two of them spent the better part of two hours replacing the window washer fluid tank and the motor that works the driver's side window. Not exactly how most people choose to relax after a week of work, and away from their family. I asked Hubby why he just didn't wait until today to do it. He said it was the first time Mr. C had been interested in working on the car. It was as simple as that.

Blessings are around us everywhere. Don't forget to notice and be thankful for them.

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