Saturday, July 18, 2015


My best friend
I was a very latecomer to Facebook. I pride myself on having "friends" from the whole spectrum of humankind. However, I "unfriended" my first person today. I was very sad, because this is someone who I get along with in real life, but I am tired of my Facebook being filled up with anti-Muslim, homophobic, Confederate rhetoric. If it was presented in an intelligent way I wouldn't mind as much. But it is very offensive and, for lack of a better word, loud. I'm a little ashamed of myself for doing the unfriending without having a conversation with this person, but it isn't someone I see very much any more.

If you are my Facebook friend, know that we don't have to all see eye to eye on issues, but we do have to be respectful of one another. 


Anonymous said...

I have the same issues in Facebook, and have found that "Unfollow" gets me the same results as "Unfriend". I realize that some of my friends do have viewpoints that run counter to mine, but they are still friends. With "Unfollow" their posts just won't appear on your page.

m.e. said...

I didn't know about that. I will use that in the future, so I can still be a "friend" without having to see all the garbage.