Sunday, July 26, 2015

Row Your Boat

The kids did their annual Gorge Row with CJR this weekend. Caleb took a video of the first portion, from the boathouse to Moccasin Bend, and then put it into time lapse. The video quality is better when I play it on my computer. It didn't translate to blogger as well. The original video is about 18 minutes, this video is only a few seconds. Altogether it took them about 4 hours to row the 23 miles downstream. They had beautiful weather for it.


Scout Lady said...

Wow! Did he use a GoPro? Did M row also? Beautiful weather.

m.e. said...

Yes, he used his GoPro. Madeleine rowed too. Tomorrow is their last day of summer camp and then they can sleep past 5am in the mornings.