Sunday, January 25, 2015

Health and Weight

I have been pretty successful with my healthier diet so far this year. I started making changes last May when I gave up Coke. I switched to orange Fanta, but gave that up around the holidays. Now I mainly drink water, wine,  juice, milk, or sweet tea if we're eating out. Tonight at our favorite pizza joint I accidentally picked up Eric's diet Coke and took a swig. The carbonation was overwhelming and if there had been anywhere to spit it out, I would have! When I want a snack I usually reach for an apple instead of my chocolate covered pomegranates. I don't usually want junk food much anymore. In full confession, I did eat some cheesy popcorn one evening last week. But I didn't feel bad about it because I never committed to giving anything up, just to adding healthy choices.
If any of you have read up on Audrey Hepburn, then you know that she never let her weight get above 103. Some say that she didn't look healthy and that weight shouldn't be emulated. However, up until 2007 my weight fluctuated between 99 in the summer and 105 in the winter. In the last eight years I've stopped losing my winter weight and slowly climbed up to 122. (I only weighed 128 when Sadie was born!) So far this year I have lost 4 pounds. I am going to use Audrey Hepburn's 103 as my goal. Since she was 5 inches taller than me, this weight won't look as pronounced on my frame.  I am not going to attempt to get her 21 inch waist! My waist was 25 inches when I got married. I measured today and it was 25 1/2, so I'm not worried about that. My extra baggage is in my rear end. Big sigh.

We've had a pretty mild winter and been able to get out and walk most weekends. Today we hiked on Lookout Mountain for a couple of hours. Adding more exercise to my routine is also part of my healthier diet plan. It's nice to have something beside work to think about all the time.

How's that for a very candid post?

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