Thursday, November 7, 2013

End of Fall Season

My camera is really not working, which makes me very frustrated. I thought it was just one of my lenses, but now the other lens is not focusing either which makes me think it is the camera itself. That is the back story of why I just haven't been taking and posting pictures lately.
Here are the ones I got at the Hooch before it just completely quit shooting altogether (I can hold the button down and nothing happens).
I think everyone in the world was at the Hooch. You were probably there, but I didn't see you because everyone else got in the way.
It was windy on Saturday. Which means the water was pretty bad. Mr. C didn't row until Sunday when the weather was a little better.
Doing some jumping jacks before launching. Mr. C is in the black pants and jacket. He rowed in the youth novice mixed 8+. That means there were boys and girls.
Carrying the boat down to launch. You can kind of get an idea of the amount of planning and orchestration it takes to get all these boats in the water. All the boats in this shot are 8s, which means they are over 50 feet long. That could cause a pretty bad traffic jam, but volunteers kept everything flowing nicely.
Once the boats are in the water they have to circle around by the bridge and then row 5K upriver to the start. Then they sit and wait their turn. (My camera quit after this shot. I have some actual rowing pictures in my phone, but we aren't getting along right now. Two nights ago, my phone decided to join the Central time zone in the middle of the night and as a result I overslept an hour. Stupid phone.)

Mr. C's bow number was 1999. There were 2045 boats entered in the regatta--tied for biggest in the country with the Head of the Charles this year! Anyway. We waited for Mr. C's boat to come down during his race. We knew they were supposed to be the fourth boat in their race, so we were hoping they would come across the finish line 4th or earlier. After the 6th boat, we found one of the coaches to see what was going on. She told us that the axle on one of their seats broke and they were replacing it at the start. When they fixed it they were allowed to race. Since it's a head race you can race at anytime, you are just trying for the best time. They finally came down the river, with all the launch boats right behind--they were the very last boat of the entire regatta! Once they got their time they placed 9th out of 20-something.

Sorry if this account is confusing. I could probably explain head races better, but I have in the past and I figure you either understand or don't care. Plus, I had a training session after school and so I worked about 12 hours today and I'm just soooooo tired! But I know that some of you were probably wondering how Mr. C finished out the fall rowing season.

1 comment:

Scout Lady said...

I was wondering how it had gone at the Hooch. Congrats to Mr.C! I saw that Auburn won the game today. Hurray, to Smarty and sorry about that to M.