Monday, October 28, 2013

Back to School

This is the pub where the condemned went for one last drink before facing the gallows, located in the square out front. The pub is still functioning, the gallows are now gone. Old Town, Edinburgh
For better or worse, I am going back to school. I have gone back and forth and can't stop thinking about it, so I decided to just go for it. Tonight I applied, signed away my life, and am just waiting for ISU to send an official transcript. I get started November 18 and will finish with a Master's in Education in April of 2015. It will be totally on-line, which I'm a bit apprehensive about, but I'm trying to embrace this brave new world of ours.
I made Hubby promise to give me plenty of "get out of jail free" cards. I'm sure things are about to get very hectic for the next 18 months.


Lady Jane said...

Good choice of pictures. It won't be so bad. You'll be doing what it took me five years to complete. Good luck.

Jen said...

I always am amazed by your and the times you have continued your education. You will succeed.