Monday, June 18, 2012


I've been switching out outlets and light switches (brown to white). Some of them have red and black wires. Some have white and black wires. Some have a ground and others don't. Interesting. I also painted the floor of the deck--Happy Father's Day! I still need to do the spindles and supports. I hate painting spindles.

Mr. C found some free software to develop his own paintball computer game. He spends unhealthy amounts of time working on it.

M is now working (volunteering) exclusively in the pediatric oncology unit at the hospital. She is the only volunteer in that department and loves it. She agreed to work a third day of the week as well as an extra month (she was supposed to only be there in June). Occasionally they have Lunch & Learn at the hospital where employees from different departments talk to the kids about their jobs. M attends these too, so she spends a lot of time at the hospital. She is still pretty sure she wants to go to UT but now she wants to go visit other colleges this summer. I said, "When do you have time?" By the way, she starts six weeks of rowing next Monday. It will be M-F, 7-9am. Whew!

She will be taking a week off when we go on family vacation in July. We are anxiously watching the wildfires in Colorado and hoping they are contained/put out soon!

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