Saturday, June 23, 2012

All Kinds of Kids

This little guy got kicked out of the nest too soon and couldn't fly. He fluttered around and cheeped for his mama. She was high overhead squawking at him to try harder. We sat outside and watched his progress for awhile and then went in. Later that evening he was gone. Hopefully he learned how to fly and didn't become someone's dinner.
This week all three kids made it to kayaking. It was M's first time, S's second time, and Mr. C is the expert with three lessons. The instructor told M to flip upside down and he would help her upright. He said, "Don't worry. I won't let you drown." After she floundered for what seemed an eternity she got upright and he told her, "Wow, you almost drowned that time." In all seriousness, there is a lot of supervision and they are only in about 4 feet of water. I'm glad they are learning how to get themselves out of sticky situations.
Normally I don't comment on world events, but this morning when I woke up I was hit in the face with the Sandusky verdict. I haven't followed the trial because it was so unpleasant to me. For some reason I read the article today and was just sickened by the things this man did. I think it is even more hard for me to take it in since I have my own 12 year old boy. All those poor boys/men. Makes me want to never let mine out of my sight.

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